Thursday, August 14, 2008


This season I'm doing football instead of baseball. I got my equipment this week. I have practice on Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. . I go half of my practice on Fri. because I have basketball games on Friday. If you have your equipment you get to tackle people. Because I have my equipment I can tackle. That was about football.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Last Day Of School

August 8 was my last day of school. I was really happy because I was done with 2nd grade. We watched a movie called Sarah Plain and Tall Winters End. We got awards and I got Honor Roll and Best Reader In The Cass. We also did something called Student Store. When we're good we get fake money. At the end of the month or the last day we get to get things out of the Student Store. I got a tape dispenser, flashcards, a toy helicopter, and a parachute guy. Then it was time to go. Aug.25 I start the third grade.